- Name Yellow Fin Sole
- Latin Name Limanda aspera
- Origin China
- Catch Area FAO 67
- Available Frozen
- Process IQF frozen
The Yellow Fin Sole is a flatfish from the Pleuronectidae family. It is a fish that lives on soft, sandy soils at a depth up to 700 meters. The dab is caught in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Japanese sea on the sea of Ochotsk, the bering sea and on the west coast of Canada. The highest measured weight is 1.7 kg and the maximum recorded lifespan is 26 years.
Sort Sorting Packaged Euro pallet Blok pallet Fillet with skin 70-100 & 100-140 5 & 10 kg 5 x 120 of 10 x 80 5 x 160 of 10 x 98 Fillet without skin 70-100 & 100-140 5 & 10 kg 5 x 120 of 10 x 80 5 x 160 of 10 x 98